Human-ET One

A place for people with a high interest in extraterrestrial contact, a place to share and connect

About us ...

Human-ET One is an online community that brings together people with a high interest in connecting with extraterrestrial civilizations and creating a space to share, learn and connect (Community).

This community is also about building one large collection of valuable and constructive cosmic information (Library) so that we can enjoy many moments of inspiration together that open our eyes, our minds, our hearts and our souls which makes us feel more connected as humans with each other (Humanity) as well as with our Cosmic Family (Human-ET One).

If you feel drawn to connect with our Cosmic Family members in a positive and constructive way and are longing to connect, share and learn together with your Earth Family members, you are more than welcome to join this community!

One place ...

- To meet people who share the same interest in extraterrestrial connections, both globally and living nearby you, who enjoy the same things and who care about the same topics.

- To find inspiration, share stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around our shared mission

- To find a growing library filled with constructive information about all kinds of topics regarding extraterrestrial contact, civilizations, their presence on Earth, the information and signs they share, the New Earth that is rising, healing, .... and many other creative expressions from us and them, regarding Earth's transformation and the remembering of who we are.

- To start building an online community and prepare for the creation of real communities and centers for Healing and Awareness around the world where we as a Star Family meet, heal and transform, play, learn and have fun in creating a New Earth and where Open Contact with Star Visitors is most natural.

Join Us !

Membership in Human-ET One is based on donations from its members.
But please note ... donation basis is not the same as free ...

It is our vision to create a place for and with each other and that also means that we will have to support and maintain this place together.

And support can be done in different ways.
As the community grows we will need more 'hosts' and to keep the information on the platform of great diversity, high quality and at the same time easy to find we need more 'moderators'.

We understand that you can't say anything about this at the moment, but everything will come in time.
We're just dropping some 'food for thought' here.

Finally, although there is no mandatory monthly subscription fee, we do ask members to make a small annual donation.
You can decide for yourself as to what it is worth for you to remain part of this community.

What's more important to become a member is ...

- Having a positive intention and attitude towards connecting with other like-minded people and connecting with your Star family and extraterrestrial civilizations.

- allowing the community to flourish by supporting it through positive energy and constructively sharing information with each other.

Excited to take a look?
Sign in and join Us !!!